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Text 61

ya etat saṁsmaren martyas
tubhyaṁ mad-anuśāsanam
kīrtayann ubhayoḥ sandhyor
na yuṣmad bhayam āpnuyāt

yaḥ — who; etat — this; saṁsmaret — remembers; martyaḥ — a mortal; tubhyam — to you; mat — My; anuśāsanam — command; kīrtayan — chanting; ubhayoḥ — at both; sandhyoḥ — junctures of the day; na — not; yuṣmat — from you; bhayam — fear; āpnuyāt — obtains.

If a mortal being attentively remembers My command to you — to leave Vṛndāvana and go to the ocean — and narrates this account at sunrise and sunset, he will never be afraid of you.

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