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Text 19

catur-vidhaṁ bahu-guṇam
annam ādāya bhājanaiḥ
abhisasruḥ priyaṁ sarvāḥ
samudram iva nimnagāḥ

catuḥ-vidham — of the four varieties (that which is chewed, that which is drunk, that which is licked and that which is sucked); bahu-guṇam — endowed with many rich tastes and fragrances; annam — food; ādāya — bringing; bhājanaiḥ — in large vessels; abhisasruḥ — they went forward; priyam — to their beloved; sarvāḥ — all of them; samudram — to the ocean; iva — just as; nimna-gāḥ — the rivers.

Taking along in large vessels the four kinds of foods, full of fine tastes and aromas, all the ladies went forth to meet their beloved, just as rivers flow toward the sea.

Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī Ṭhākura explains that the wives of the brāhmaṇas experienced conjugal feelings toward Kṛṣṇa, as if He were their paramour; thus they could not be checked as they rushed to see Him.

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