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Text 34

anāṁsy anaḍud-yuktāni
te cāruhya sv-alaṅkṛtāḥ
gopyaś ca kṛṣṇa-vīryāṇi
gāyantyaḥ sa-dvijāśiṣaḥ

anāṁsi — wagons; anaḍut-yuktāni — yoked with oxen; te — they; ca — and; āruhya — riding; su-alaṅkṛtāḥ — nicely ornamented; gopyaḥ — the cowherd women; ca — and; kṛṣṇa-vīryāṇi — the glories of Lord Kṛṣṇa; gāyantyaḥ — singing; sa — together with; dvija — of the brāhmaṇas; āśiṣaḥ — the benedictions.

As the beautifully ornamented cowherd ladies followed along, riding on wagons drawn by oxen, they sang the glories of Lord Kṛṣṇa, and their songs mingled with the brāhmaṇas’ chanting of benedictions.

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