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Text 3

aho śrī-mada-māhātmyaṁ
gopānāṁ kānanaukasām
kṛṣṇaṁ martyam upāśritya
ye cakrur deva-helanam

aho — just see; śrī — because of opulence; mada — of intoxication; māhātmyam — the great extent; gopānām — of the cowherds; kānana — in the forest; okasām — who dwell; kṛṣṇam — Kṛṣṇa; martyam — an ordinary human; upāśritya — taking shelter of; ye — who; cakruḥ — have committed; deva — against the demigods; helanam — offense.

[Indra said:] Just see how these cowherd men living in the forest have become so greatly intoxicated by their prosperity! They have surrendered to an ordinary human being, Kṛṣṇa, and thus they have offended the gods.

Of course, Indra was really saying that the cowherd men had offended him, Indra, by taking shelter of Kṛṣṇa, whom Indra considered to be martya, a mortal. This was certainly a gross miscalculation on Indra’s part.

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