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Text 3

priyāḥ priyasya pratirūḍha-mūrtayaḥ
asāv ahaṁ tv ity abalās tad-ātmikā
nyavediṣuḥ kṛṣṇa-vihāra-vibhramāḥ

gati — in His movements; smita — smiling; prekṣaṇa — beholding; bhāṣaṇā — talking; ādiṣu — and so on; priyāḥ — the dear gopīs; priyasya — of their beloved; pratirūḍha — fully absorbed; mūrtayaḥ — their bodies; asau — He; aham — I; tu — actually; iti — speaking thus; abalāḥ — the women; tat-ātmikāḥ — identifying with Him; nyavediṣuḥ — they announced; kṛṣṇa-vihāra — caused by the pastimes of Kṛṣṇa; vibhramāḥ — whose intoxication.

Because the beloved gopīs were absorbed in thoughts of their beloved Kṛṣṇa, their bodies imitated His way of moving and smiling, His way of beholding them, His speech and His other distinctive features. Deeply immersed in thinking of Him and maddened by remembering His pastimes, they declared to one another, “I am Kṛṣṇa!”

Spontaneously, the gopīs began moving like Kṛṣṇa: they smiled as He would smile, glanced boldly as He would and spoke as He would. The gopīs were completely absorbed in the existence of Kṛṣṇa and mad with love at their sudden separation from Him, and thus their dedication to Him attained absolute perfection.

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