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“Just see! When Kṛṣṇa dresses Himself in forest array and calls the cows’ names by blowing on His flute, even the trees and creepers become so ecstatic out of love that their limbs display eruptions and their sap pours down like a torrent of tears. The sound of Kṛṣṇa’s flute causes the cranes, swans and other birds in the lakes to close their eyes in deep meditation, the clouds in the sky to gently rumble, imitating the flute’s vibration, and even such great authorities in the science of music as Indra, Śiva and Brahmā to become astonished. And just as we gopīs are anxious to offer everything we have to Kṛṣṇa, so the wives of the black deer follow Him about, imitating us.

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