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Text 11

gṛhītvā śṛṅgayos taṁ vā
aṣṭādaśa padāni saḥ
pratyapovāha bhagavān
gajaḥ prati-gajaṁ yathā

gṛhītvā — seizing; śṛṅgayoḥ — by the horns; tam — him; vai — indeed; aṣṭādaśa — eighteen; padāni — steps; saḥ — He; pratyapovāha — threw back; bhagavān — the Supreme Lord; gajaḥ — an elephant; prati-gajam — a rival elephant; yathā — like.

The Supreme Lord Kṛṣṇa seized Ariṣṭāsura by the horns and threw him back eighteen steps, just as an elephant might do when fighting a rival elephant.

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