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Text 16

sa tv ahaṁ tyakta-kāruṇyas
tyakta-jñāti-suhṛt khalaḥ
kān lokān vai gamiṣyāmi
brahma-heva mṛtaḥ śvasan

saḥ — that person (Kaṁsa); tu — indeed; aham — I; tyakta-kāruṇyaḥ — devoid of all mercy; tyakta-jñāti-suhṛt — my relatives and friends have been rejected by me; khalaḥ — cruel; kān lokān — which planets; vai — indeed; gamiṣyāmi — shall go; brahma-hā iva — like the killer of a brāhmaṇa; mṛtaḥ śvasan — either after death or while breathing.

Being merciless and cruel, I have forsaken all my relatives and friends. Therefore, like a person who has killed a brāhmaṇa, I do not know to which planet I shall go, either after death or while breathing.

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