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Text 54

diṣṭyā gṛheśvary asakṛn mayi tvayā
kṛtānuvṛttir bhava-mocanī khalaiḥ
su-duṣkarāsau sutarāṁ durāśiṣo
hy asuṁ-bharāyā nikṛtiṁ juṣaḥ striyāḥ

diṣṭyā — fortunately; gṛha — of the house; īśvari — O mistress; asakṛt — constantly; mayi — to Me; tvayā — by you; kṛtā — done; anuvṛttiḥ — faithful service; bhava — from material existence; mocanī — which gives liberation; khalaiḥ — for those who are envious; su-duṣkarā — very difficult to do; asau — it; sutarām — especially; durāśiṣaḥ — whose intentions are wicked; hi — indeed; asum — her life air; bharāyāḥ — who (only) maintains; nikṛtim — deception; juṣaḥ — who indulges in; striyāḥ — for a woman.

Fortunately, O mistress of the house, you have always rendered Me faithful devotional service, which liberates one from material existence. This service is very difficult for the envious to perform, especially for a woman whose intentions are wicked, who lives only to gratify her bodily demands, and who indulges in duplicity.

Śrīla Jīva Gosvāmī poses the following question: Since devotional service easily awards one liberation, isn’t it possible that everyone will be liberated and the world will no longer exist? The great ācārya answers that there is no such danger, since it is very difficult for envious, duplicitous, sensuous persons to faithfully serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and there is no shortage of such people in the world.

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