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Texts 12-14

tasya kāśī-patir mitraṁ
pārṣṇi-grāho ’nvayān nṛpa
akṣauhiṇībhis tisṛbhir
apaśyat pauṇḍrakaṁ hariḥ

bibhrāṇaṁ kaustubha-maṇiṁ

kauśeya-vāsasī pīte
vasānaṁ garuḍa-dhvajam

tasya — his (Pauṇḍraka’s); kāśī-patiḥ — the master of Kāśi; mitram — friend; pārṣṇi-grāhaḥ — as the rear guard; anvayāt — followed; nṛpa — O King (Parīkṣit); akṣauhiṇībhiḥ — with divisions; tisṛbhiḥ — three; apaśyat — saw; pauṇḍrakam — Pauṇḍraka; hariḥ — Lord Kṛṣṇa; śaṅkha — with conchshell; ari — disc; asi — sword; gadā — club; śārṅga — Śārṅga bow; śrīvatsa — with the Śrīvatsa sign of hair on His chest; ādi — and other symbols; upalakṣitam — marked; bibhrāṇam — bearing; kaustubha-maṇim — the Kaustubha gem; vana-mālā — with a garland of forest flowers; vibhūṣitam — decorated; kauśeya — of fine silk; vāsasī — a pair of garments; pīte — yellow; vasānam — wearing; garuḍa-dhvajam — his banner marked with the image of Garuḍa; amūlya — valuable; mauli — a crown; ābharaṇam — whose ornament; sphurat — gleaming; makara — shark-shaped; kuṇḍalam — with earrings.

Pauṇḍraka’s friend, the King of Kāśī, followed behind, O King, leading the rear guard with three akṣauhiṇī divisions. Lord Kṛṣṇa saw that Pauṇḍraka was carrying the Lord’s own insignia, such as the conchshell, disc, sword and club, and also an imitation Śārṅga bow and Śrīvatsa mark. He wore a mock Kaustubha gem, was decorated with a garland of forest flowers and was dressed in upper and lower garments of fine yellow silk. His banner bore the image of Garuḍa, and he wore a valuable crown and gleaming, shark-shaped earrings.

Śrīla Prabhupāda comments in Kṛṣṇa: “When the two kings came before Lord Kṛṣṇa to oppose Him, Kṛṣṇa saw Pauṇḍraka face to face for the first time.”

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