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Text 22

atha rājāhate kṣaume
paridhāya sv-alaṅkṛtaḥ

atha — next; rājā — the King; ahate — unused; kṣaume — a pair of silken garments; paridhāya — putting on; su-alaṅkṛtaḥ — nicely ornamented; ṛtvik — the priests; sadasya — the officiating members of the assembly; vipra — the brāhmaṇas; ādīn — and others; ānarca — he worshiped; ābharaṇa — with ornaments; ambaraiḥ — and clothing.

Next the King put on new silken garments and adorned himself with fine jewelry. He then honored the priests, assembly officials, learned brāhmaṇas and other guests by presenting them with ornaments and clothing.

Śrīla Prabhupāda writes: “The King not only dressed himself and decorated himself, but he also gave clothing and ornaments to all the priests and to the others who had participated in the yajñas. In this way he worshiped them all.”

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