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Text 56

yas tv āsakta-matir gehe
straiṇaḥ kṛpaṇa-dhīr mūḍho
mamāham iti badhyate

yaḥ — one who; tu — however; āsakta — attached; matiḥ — whose consciousness; gehe — to his home; putra — for children; vitta — and money; eṣaṇa — by ardent desire; āturaḥ — disturbed; straiṇaḥ — lusty to enjoy women; kṛpaṇa — miserly; dhīḥ — whose mentality; mūḍhaḥ — unintelligent; mama — everything is mine; aham — I am everything; iti — thus thinking; badhyate — is bound.

But a householder whose mind is attached to his home and who is thus disturbed by ardent desires to enjoy his money and children, who is lusty after women, who is possessed of a miserly mentality and who unintelligently thinks, “Everything is mine and I am everything,” is certainly bound in illusion.

Although one may try by various analytical or psychological processes to detach the mind from illusory family attachment, one will inevitably be drawn back into the network of material attachment unless the heart is purified by Kṛṣṇa consciousness. A miserly householder thinks only of his own family or community, without mercy for outsiders. Being egoistic, lusty, attached and always disturbed by ardent desires to enjoy money and children, a materialistic householder is hopelessly bound in a web of anxiety.

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