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Text 69
ya iha vāva sthira-cara-nikarāṇāṁ nija-niketanānāṁ mana-indriyāsu-gaṇān anātmanaḥ svayam ātmāntar-yāmī pracodayati.
yaḥ — who; iha — in this world; vāva — indeed; sthira-cara-nikarāṇām — of all the nonmoving and moving living beings; nija-niketanānām — who depend on your shelter; manaḥ-indriya-asu-gaṇān — the mind, senses and vital air; anātmanaḥ — which are nonliving matter; svayam — yourself; ātma — in their hearts; antaḥ-yāmī — the indwelling lord; pracodayati — inspires to activity.
You are personally present as the indwelling lord in the hearts of all moving and nonmoving beings, who depend completely on your shelter. Indeed, you animate their material minds, senses and vital airs to act.