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Text 19
saptamo mukhya-sargas tu
ṣaḍ-vidhas tasthuṣāṁ ca yaḥ
tvaksārā vīrudho drumāḥ
saptamaḥ — the seventh; mukhya — principle; sargaḥ — creation; tu — indeed; ṣaṭ-vidhaḥ — six kinds of; tasthuṣām — of those who do not move; ca — also; yaḥ — those; vanaspati — fruit trees without flowers; oṣadhi — trees and plants existing until the fruit is ripe; latā — creepers; tvaksārāḥ — pipe plants; vīrudhaḥ — creepers without support; drumāḥ — trees with flowers and fruits.
The seventh creation is that of the immovable entities, which are of six kinds: the fruit trees without flowers, trees and plants which exist until the fruit is ripe, creepers, pipe plants, creepers which have no support, and trees with flowers and fruits.