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Text 33
sadhrīcīnaṁ pratīcīnaṁ
parasyānupathaṁ gatāḥ
nādyāpi te nivartante
paścimā yāminīr iva
sadhrīcīnam — completely correct; pratīcīnam — obtainable by adopting a mode of life aimed at the highest goal, devotional service; parasya — of the Supreme Lord; anupatham — the pathway; gatāḥ — taking to; na — not; adya api — even until today; te — they (the sons of Prajāpati Dakṣa); nivartante — have come back; paścimāḥ — western (those that have past); yāminīḥ — nights; iva — like.
The Savalāśvas took to the correct path, which is obtainable by a mode of life meant to achieve devotional service, or the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Like nights that have gone to the west, they have not returned even until now.