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Text 10

turīyaṁ jagṛhur malam
tāsu budbuda-phenābhyāṁ
dṛṣṭaṁ tad dharati kṣipan

dravya — other things; bhūyaḥ — of increasing; vareṇa — by the benediction; āpaḥ — water; turīyam — one fourth; jagṛhuḥ — accepted; malam — the sinful reaction; tāsu — in the water; budbuda-phenābhyām — by bubbles and foam; dṛṣṭam — visible; tat — that; harati — one collects; kṣipan — throwing away.

And in return for King Indra’s benediction that water would increase the volume of other substances with which it was mixed, water accepted one fourth of the sinful reactions. Therefore there are bubbles and foam in water. When one collects water, these should be avoided.

If water is mixed with milk, fruit juice or other similar substances, it increases their volume, and no one can understand which has increased. In return for this benediction, water accepted one fourth of Indra’s sinful reactions. These sinful reactions are visible in foam and bubbles. Therefore one should avoid foam and bubbles while collecting drinking water.

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