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Text 18
tata ūrdhvaṁ brahmacaryaṁ
dhāryann ajuhot prabhuḥ
agnihotram akhaṇḍitam
tataḥ — thereafter; ūrdhvam — after mother Sītā’s going into the earth; brahmacaryam — complete celibacy; dhārayan — observing; ajuhot — performed a ritualistic ceremony and sacrifice; prabhuḥ — Lord Rāmacandra; trayodaśa-abda-sāhasram — for thirteen thousand years; agnihotram — the sacrifice known as Agnihotra-yajña; akhaṇḍitam — without ceasing.
After mother Sītā entered the earth, Lord Rāmacandra observed complete celibacy and performed an uninterrupted Agnihotra-yajña for thirteen thousand years.