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Text 2

hotre ’dadād diśaṁ prācīṁ
brahmaṇe dakṣiṇāṁ prabhuḥ
adhvaryave pratīcīṁ vā
uttarāṁ sāmagāya saḥ

hotre — unto the hotā priest, who offers oblations; adadāt — gave; diśam — direction; prācīm — the whole eastern side; brahmaṇe — unto the brahmā priest, who supervises what is done in the sacrificial arena; dakṣiṇām — the southern side; prabhuḥ — Lord Rāmacandra; adhvaryave — unto the adhvaryu priest; pratīcīm — the whole western side; — also; uttarām — the northern side; sāma-gāya — unto the udgātā priest, who sings the Sāma Veda; saḥ — He (Lord Rāmacandra).

Lord Rāmacandra gave the entire east to the hotā priest, the entire south to the brahmā priest, the west to the adhvaryu priest, and the north to the udgātā priest, the reciter of the Sāma Veda. In this way, He donated His kingdom.

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