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Text 3

brahman bhagavatas tasya
bhūmnaḥ svacchanda-vartinaḥ
kas tṛpyetāmṛtaṁ juṣan

brahman — O brāhmaṇa; bhagavataḥ — of the Supreme Lord; tasya — of Him; bhūmnaḥ — the unlimited; sva-chanda-vartinaḥ — who acts according to His own desires; gopāla — as a cowherd boy; udāra — magnanimous; caritam — the pastimes; kaḥ — who; tṛpyeta — can be satiated; amṛtam — such nectar; juṣan — partaking of.

O brāhmaṇa, the unlimited Supreme Personality of Godhead freely acts according to His own desires. Who could be satiated when hearing the nectar of the magnanimous pastimes He performed as a cowherd boy in Vṛndāvana?

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