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Text 25

svāgataṁ vo mahā-bhāgā
āsyatāṁ karavāma kim
yan no didṛkṣayā prāptā
upapannam idaṁ hi vaḥ

su-āgatam — auspicious welcome; vaḥ — for you; mahā-bhāgāḥ — O fortunate ladies; āsyatām — please come sit; karavāma — I can do; kim — what; yat — because; naḥ — Us; didṛkṣayā — with the desire of seeing; prāptāḥ — you have come; upapannam — fitting; idam — this; hi — certainly; vaḥ — on your part.

[Lord Kṛṣṇa said:] Welcome, O most fortunate ladies. Please sit down and make yourselves comfortable. What can I do for you? That you have come here to see Me is most appropriate.

Just as Śrī Kṛṣṇa welcomed the gopīs who came to dance with Him at night, He similarly welcomed the brāhmaṇas’ wives, whose pure love for Him was proved by their overcoming many hindrances to see the Lord. The word upapannam indicates that although these ladies had rejected their husbands’ orders, their behavior was not at all inappropriate, since their husbands had obviously tried to obstruct their loving service to Lord Kṛṣṇa.

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