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Text 28

bhagavān api taṁ śailaṁ
sva-sthāne pūrva-vat prabhuḥ
paśyatāṁ sarva-bhūtānāṁ
sthāpayām āsa līlayā

bhagavān — the Supreme Personality of Godhead; api — and; tam — that; śailam — hill; sva-sthāne — upon its place; pūrva-vat — as originally; prabhuḥ — the almighty Lord; paśyatām — while they were looking on; sarva-bhūtānām — all the living creatures; sthāpayām āsa — He put; līlayā — with ease.

While all living creatures looked on, the Supreme Personality of Godhead put down the hill in its original place, just as it had stood before.

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