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Text 4

prāptaṁ vīkṣya hṛṣīkeśaṁ
loka-pālaḥ saparyayā
mahatyā pūjayitvāha

prāptam — arrived; vīkṣya — seeing; hṛṣīkeśam — Lord Kṛṣṇa, the controller of the senses; loka — of that planet (the watery regions); pālaḥ — the presiding deity (Varuṇa); saparyayā — with respectful offerings; mahatyā — elaborate; pūjayitvā — worshiping; āha — spoke; tat — of Lord Kṛṣṇa; darśana — from the sight; mahā — great; utsavaḥ — jubilant pleasure.

Seeing that the Lord, Hṛṣīkeśa, had arrived, the demigod Varuṇa worshiped Him with elaborate offerings. Varuṇa was in a state of great jubilation upon seeing the Lord, and he spoke as follows.

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