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Text 14

gopyo labdhvācyutaṁ kāntaṁ
śriya ekānta-vallabham
gṛhīta-kaṇṭhyas tad-dorbhyāṁ
gāyantyas tam vijahrire

gopyaḥ — the gopīs; labdhvā — having attained; acyutam — the infallible Lord; kāntam — as their lover; śriyaḥ — of the goddess of fortune; ekānta — the exclusive; vallabham — lover; gṛhīta — held; kaṇṭhyaḥ — their necks; tat — His; dorbhyām — by the arms; gāyantyaḥ — singing; tam — about Him; vijahrire — they took pleasure.

Having attained as their intimate lover Lord Acyuta, the exclusive consort of the goddess of fortune, the gopīs enjoyed great pleasure. They sang His glories as He held their necks with His arms.

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