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Text 31

nisṛṣṭaḥ kila me mṛtyur
devair vaikuṇṭha-saṁśrayaiḥ
tāv ānaya samaṁ gopair
nandādyaiḥ sābhyupāyanaiḥ

nisṛṣṭaḥ — sent; kila — indeed; me — my; mṛtyuḥ — death; devaiḥ — by the demigods; vaikuṇṭha — of Lord Viṣṇu; saṁśrayaiḥ — who take shelter; tau — the two of Them; ānaya — bring; samam — together with; gopaiḥ — the cowherd men; nanda-ādyaiḥ — headed by Nanda; sa — with; abhyupāyanaiḥ — gifts.

The demigods, who are under the protection of Viṣṇu, have sent these two boys as my death. Bring Them here, and also have Nanda and the other cowherd men come with gifts of tribute.

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