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Text 40
akrūras tāv upāmantrya
niveśya ca rathopari
kālindyā hradam āgatya
snānaṁ vidhi-vad ācarat
akrūraḥ — Akrūra; tau — from the two of Them; upāmantrya — taking permission; niveśya — having Them sit down; ca — and; ratha-upari — on the chariot; kālindyāḥ — of the Yamunā; hradam — to a pond; āgatya — going; snānam — his bath; vidhi-vat — in accordance with scriptural injunction; ācarat — he performed.
Akrūra asked the two Lords to take Their seats on the chariot. Then, taking Their permission, he went to a pool in the Yamunā and took his bath as enjoined in the scriptures.