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Text 37

evaṁ vikatthamānasya
kupito devakī-sutaḥ
rajakasya karāgreṇa
śiraḥ kāyād apātayat

evam — thus; vikatthamānasya — who was brazenly speaking; kupitaḥ — angered; devakī-sutaḥ — Kṛṣṇa, the son of Devakī; rajakasya — of the washerman; kara — of one hand; agreṇa — with the front; śiraḥ — the head; kāyāt — from his body; apātayat — made fall.

As the washerman thus spoke brazenly, the son of Devakī became angry, and then merely with His fingertips He separated the man’s head from his body.

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