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Text 32

vyuṣṭāyāṁ niśi kauravya
sūrye cādbhyaḥ samutthite
kārayām āsa vai kaṁso

vyuṣṭāyām — having passed; niśi — the night; kauravya — O descendant of Kuru (Parīkṣit); sūrye — the sun; ca — and; adbhyaḥ — from the water; samutthite — rising; kārayām āsa — had carried out; vai — indeed; kaṁsaḥ — Kaṁsa; malla — of wrestlers; krīḍā — of the sport; mahā-utsavam — the great festival.

When the night had finally passed and the sun rose up again from the water, Kaṁsa set about arranging for the grand wrestling festival.

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