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Text 14

patitasya padākramya
mṛgendra iva līlayā
dantam utpāṭya tenebhaṁ
hastipāṁś cāhanad dhariḥ

patitasya — of the fallen (elephant); padā — with His foot; ākramya — climbing upon him; mṛgendraḥ — a lion; iva — as if; līlayā — with ease; dantam — one of his tusks; utpāṭya — pulling out; tena — with it; ibham — the elephant; hasti-pān — the elephant-keepers; ca — also; ahanat — killed; hariḥ — Lord Kṛṣṇa.

Lord Hari then climbed onto the elephant with the ease of a mighty lion, pulled out a tusk, and with it killed the beast and his keepers.

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