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Text 29

vadanty anena vaṁśo ’yaṁ
yadoḥ su-bahu-viśrutaḥ
śriyaṁ yaśo mahatvaṁ ca
lapsyate parirakṣitaḥ

vadanti — they say; anena — by Him; vaṁśaḥ — the dynasty; ayam — this; yadoḥ — descending from King Yadu; su-bahu — very much; viśrutaḥ — famous; śriyam — riches; yaśaḥ — glory; mahatvam — power; ca — and; lapsyate — it will achieve; parirakṣitaḥ — protected on all sides.

It is said that under His full protection the Yadu dynasty will become extremely famous and attain wealth, glory and power.

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