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Text 2

uvāca pitarāv etya
sāgrajaḥ sātvatarṣabhaḥ
praśrayāvanataḥ prīṇann
amba tāteti sādaram

uvāca — He said; pitarau — to His parents; etya — approaching them; sa — together with; agra-jaḥ — His elder brother, Lord Balarāma; sātvata — of the Sātvata dynasty; ṛṣabhaḥ — the greatest hero; praśraya — with humility; avanataḥ — bowing down; prīṇan — gratifying them; amba tāta iti — “My dear mother, My dear father”; sa-ādaram — respectfully.

Lord Kṛṣṇa, the greatest of the Sātvatas, approached His parents with His elder brother. Humbly bowing His head and gratifying them by respectfully addressing them as “My dear mother” and “My dear father,” Kṛṣṇa spoke as follows.

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