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Text 20

tatra dṛṣṭvā maṇi-preṣṭhaṁ
bāla-krīḍanakaṁ kṛtam
hartuṁ kṛta-matis tasminn
avatasthe ’rbhakāntike

tatra — there; dṛṣṭvā — seeing; maṇi-preṣṭham — the most precious of jewels; bāla — of a child; krīḍanakam — the plaything; kṛtam — made; hartum — to take it away; kṛta-matiḥ — deciding; tasmin — there; avatasthe — He placed Himself; arbhaka-antike — near the child.

There Lord Kṛṣṇa saw that the most precious of jewels had been made into a child’s plaything. Determined to take it away, He approached the child.

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