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Text 19

kā tvaṁ kasyāsi su-śroṇi
kuto vā kiṁ cikīrṣasi
manye tvāṁ patim icchantīṁ
sarvaṁ kathaya śobhane

— who; tvam — you; kasya — whose; asi — are you; su-śroṇi — O you with the beautiful waist; kutaḥ — from where; — or; kim — what; cikīrṣasi — do you desire to do; manye — I think; tvām — you; patim — a husband; icchantīm — seeking; sarvam — everything; kathaya — please tell; śobhane — O beautiful one.

[Arjuna said:] Who are you, O fine-waisted lady? Whose daughter are you, and where do you come from? What are you doing here? I think you must be looking for a husband. Please explain everything, O beautiful one.

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