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Text 16

tad bhauma-sainyaṁ bhagavān gadāgrajo
vicitra-vājair niśitaiḥ śilīmukhaiḥ
cakāra tarhy eva hatāśva-kuñjaram

tat — that; bhauma-sainyam — army of Bhaumāsura; bhagavān — the Supreme Lord; gadāgrajaḥ — Kṛṣṇa; vicitra — variegated; vājaiḥ — whose feathers; niśitaiḥ — sharp; śilīmukhaiḥ — with arrows; nikṛtta — cut off; bāhu — with arms; ūru — thighs; śiraḥ-dhra — and necks; vigraham — whose bodies; cakāra — made; tarhi eva — at that same moment; hata — killed; aśva — the horses; kuñjaram — and elephants.

At that moment Lord Gadāgraja shot His sharp arrows at Bhaumāsura’s army. These arrows, displaying variegated feathers, soon reduced that army to a mass of bodies with severed arms, thighs and necks. The Lord similarly killed the opposing horses and elephants.

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