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Text 31

sa taṁ praviṣṭaṁ vṛtam ātatāyibhir
bhaṭair anīkair avalokya mādhavaḥ
udyamya maurvaṁ parighaṁ vyavasthito
yathāntako daṇḍa-dharo jighāṁsayā

saḥ — He, Aniruddha; tam — him, Bāṇāsura; praviṣṭam — entered; vṛtam — surrounded; ātatāyibhiḥ — who were carrying weapons; bhaṭaiḥ — by guards; anīkaiḥ — numerous; avalokya — seeing; mādhavaḥ — Aniruddha; udyamya — raising; maurvam — made of muru iron; parigham — His club; vyavasthitaḥ — standing firm; yathā — like; anṭakaḥ — death personified; daṇḍa — the rod of punishment; dharaḥ — bearing; jighāṁsayā — ready to strike.

Seeing Bāṇāsura enter with many armed guards, Aniruddha raised His iron club and stood resolute, ready to strike anyone who attacked Him. He resembled death personified holding his rod of punishment.

The club was not made of ordinary iron but of a special kind called muru.

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