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Text 14

taṁ sannirīkṣya bhagavān sahasotthita-śrī-
paryaṅkataḥ sakala-dharma-bhṛtāṁ variṣṭhaḥ
ānamya pāda-yugalaṁ śirasā kirīṭa-
juṣṭena sāñjalir avīviśad āsane sve

tam — him (Nārada); sannirīkṣya — noticing; bhagavān — the Supreme Lord; sahasā — immediately; utthita — rising; śrī — of the goddess of fortune, Queen Rukmiṇī; paryaṅkataḥ — from the bed; sakala — all; dharma — of religion; bhṛtām — of the upholders; variṣṭhaḥ — the best; ānamya — bowing down; pāda-yugalam — to his two feet; śirasā — with His head; kirīṭa — with a crown; juṣṭena — fitted; sa-añjaliḥ — with joined palms; avīviśat — had him sit down; āsane — on the seat; sve — His own.

The Supreme Lord is the greatest upholder of religious principles. Thus when He noticed Nārada, He rose at once from Goddess Śrī’s bed, bowed His crowned head at Nārada’s feet and, joining His palms, had the sage sit in His own seat.

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