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Text 40

nindāṁ bhagavataḥ śṛṇvaṁs
tat-parasya janasya vā
tato nāpaiti yaḥ so ’pi
yāty adhaḥ sukṛtāc cyutaḥ

nindām — criticism; bhagavataḥ — of the Supreme Lord; śṛṇvan — hearing; tat — to Him; parasya — who is dedicated; janasya — of a person; — or; tataḥ — from that place; na apaiti — does not go away; yaḥ — who; saḥ — he; api — indeed; yāti — goes; adhaḥ — down; su-kṛtāt — from the good results of his pious works; cyutaḥ — fallen.

Anyone who fails to immediately leave the place where he hears criticism of the Supreme Lord or His faithful devotee will certainly fall down, bereft of his pious credit.

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