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Text 4

iti mūḍhaḥ pratijñāya
devaṁ paśu-patiṁ prabhum
ārādhayām āsa nṛpaḥ
pāṁśu-muṣṭiṁ sakṛd grasan

iti — with these words; mūḍhaḥ — the fool; pratijñāya — having vowed; devam — the lord; paśu-patim — Śiva, the protector of animallike men; prabhum — his master; āradhayām āsa — worshiped; nṛpaḥ — the King; pāṁśu — of dust; muṣṭim — a handful; sakṛt — once (daily); grasan — eating.

Having thus made his vow, the foolish King proceeded to worship Lord Paśupati [Śiva] as his deity by eating a handful of dust each day, and nothing more.

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