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Text 4

śiras tu tasyobhaya-liṅgam ānamet
tad eva yat paśyati tad dhi cakṣuḥ
aṅgāni viṣṇor atha taj-janānāṁ
pādodakaṁ yāni bhajanti nityam

śiraḥ — head; tu — and; tasya — of Him; ubhaya — both; liṅgam — to the manifestations; ānamet — bows down; tat — that; eva — only; yat — which; paśyati — sees; tat — that; hi — indeed; cakṣuḥ — eye; aṅgāni — limbs; viṣṇoḥ — of Lord Viṣṇu; atha — or; tat — His; janānām — of the devotees; pāda-udakam — the water which has washed the feet; yāni — which; bhajanti — honor; nityam — regularly.

An actual head is one that bows down to the Lord in His manifestations among the moving and nonmoving creatures, real eyes are those that see only the Lord, and actual limbs are those which regularly honor the water that has bathed the Lord’s feet or those of His devotees.

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