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Text 18

śuśrūṣayā paramayā
pūjito deva-devena
vipra-devena deva-vat

śuśrūṣayā — with service; paramayā — sincere; pāda — of the feet; saṁvāhana — massaging; ādibhiḥ — and so on; pūjitaḥ — worshiped; deva-devena — by the Lord of all the demigods; vipra-devena — by the Lord of the brāhmaṇas; deva — a demigod; vat — like.

Although He is the Lord of all demigods and the object of worship for all brāhmaṇas, He worshiped me as if I were a demigod myself, massaging my feet and rendering other humble services.

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