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Texts 41-43

yakṣa-rakṣaḥ-piśācāś ca

viśuddha-sattva-dhāmny addhā
tvayi śāstra-śarīriṇi
nityaṁ nibaddha-vairās te
vayaṁ cānye ca tādṛśāḥ

bhaktyā kecana kāmataḥ
na tathā sattva-saṁrabdhāḥ
sannikṛṣṭāḥ surādayaḥ

daitya-dānava — the Daitya and Dānava demons; gandharvāḥ — and the Gandharvas, celestial singers; siddha-vidyādhara-cāraṇāḥ — the Siddha, Vidyādhara and Cāraṇa demigods; yakṣa — the Yakṣas (semipious spirits); rakṣaḥ — the Rākṣasas (man-eating spirits); piśācāḥ — the carnivorous Piśāca demons; ca — and; bhūta — the ghosts; pramatha-nāyakāḥ — and the evil Pramatha and Nāyaka spirits; viśuddha — perfectly pure; sattva — of goodness; dhāmni — toward the embodiment; addhā — direct; tvayi — You; śāstra — which comprises the revealed scriptures; śarīriṇi — the possessor of such a body; nityam — always; nibaddha — fixed; vairāḥ — in enmity; te — they; vayam — we; ca — also; anye — others; ca — and; tādṛśāḥ — like them; kecana — some; udbaddha — especially obstinate; vaireṇa — with hatred; bhaktyā — with devotion; kecana — some; kāmataḥ — rising out of lust; na — not; tathā — so; sattva — by the material mode of goodness; saṁrabdhāḥ — those who are predominated; sannikṛṣṭāḥ — attracted; sura — demigods; ādayaḥ — and others.

Many who had been constantly absorbed in enmity toward You ultimately became attracted to You, who are the direct embodiment of transcendental goodness and whose divine form comprises the revealed scriptures. These reformed enemies include Daityas, Dānavas, Gandharvas, Siddhas, Vidyādharas, Cāraṇas, Yakṣas, Rākṣasas, Piśācas, Bhūtas, Pramathas and Nāyakas, and also ourselves and many others like us. Some of us have become attracted to You because of exceptional hatred, while others have become attracted because of their mood of devotion based on lust. But the demigods and others infatuated by material goodness feel no such attraction for You.

Śrīla Jīva Gosvāmī explains this passage as follows: The Gandharvas, Siddhas, Vidyādharas and Cāraṇas are adversaries of the Supreme Lord when they follow the lead of the Daitya and Dānava demons. The Yakṣas, Rākṣasas, Piśācas and so on tend to be inimical because they are generally covered by ignorance. There are some rascals in the pure mode of ignorance, like Śiśupāla and Pauṇḍraka, who are totally absorbed in meditation on the Lord as their enemy, and this fixed consciousness earns them liberation. Others, in a mixed condition of passion and ignorance, associate with the Lord with a desire for position and prestige; Mahārāja Bali sees himself as belonging to this category. Yet Lord Viṣṇu favored Bali by becoming his doorkeeper in the subterranean region of Sutala, just as He favored the demons by killing and liberating them, and the Gandharvas by engaging them in singing His glories. On the other hand, the Lord awards sense gratification to those demigods who are proud of their being situated in the mode of goodness; thus they become deluded and forget Him.

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