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Text 37

nyaruṇat sūtikāgāraṁ
śarair nānāstra-yojitaiḥ
tiryag ūrdhvam adhaḥ pārthaś
cakāra śara-pañjaram

nyaruṇat — he enveloped; sūtikā-āgāram — the house where the birth was taking place; śaraiḥ — with arrows; nānā — various; astra — to missiles; yojitaiḥ — attached; tiryak — horizontally; ūrdhvam — upwards; adhaḥ — downwards; pārthaḥ — Arjuna; cakāra — made; śara — of arrows; pañjaram — a cage.

Arjuna fenced in the house where the birth was taking place by shooting arrows attached to various missiles. Thus the son of Pṛthā constructed a protective cage of arrows, covering the house upwards, downwards and sideways.

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