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Text 7
aila uvāca
aho me moha-vistāraḥ
devyā gṛhīta-kaṇṭhasya
nāyuḥ-khaṇḍā ime smṛtāḥ
ailaḥ uvāca — King Purūravā said; aho — alas; me — my; moha — of the delusion; vistāraḥ — the extent; kāma — by lust; kaśmala — contaminated; cetasaḥ — my consciousness; devyā — by this goddess; gṛhīta — is seized; kaṇṭhasya — whose neck; na — have not; āyuḥ — of my life span; khaṇḍāḥ — the divisions; ime — these; smṛtāḥ — been taken notice of.
King Aila said: Alas, just see the extent of my delusion! This goddess was embracing me and held my neck in her grip. My heart was so polluted by lust that I had no idea how my life was passing.