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Text 3
na me mānāpamānau sto
na cintā geha-putriṇām
ātma-krīḍa ātma-ratir
vicarāmīha bāla-vat
na — not; me — in me; māna — honor; apamānau — dishonor; staḥ — exist; na — there is not; cintā — anxiety; geha — of those who have a home; putriṇām — and children; ātma — by the self; krīḍaḥ — sporting; ātma — in the self alone; ratiḥ — enjoying; vicarāmi — I wander; iha — in this world; bāla-vat — like a child.
In family life, the parents are always in anxiety about their home, children and reputation. But I have nothing to do with these things. I do not worry at all about any family, and I do not care about honor and dishonor. I enjoy only the life of the soul, and I find love on the spiritual platform. Thus I wander the earth like a child.