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Text 22
tathā nirviviśur gartaṁ
yathāvakāśaṁ sa-dhanāḥ
sa-vrajāḥ sopajīvinaḥ
tathā — thus; nirviviśuḥ — they entered; gartam — the hollow; kṛṣṇa — by Lord Kṛṣṇa; āśvāsita — pacified; mānasaḥ — their minds; yathā-avakāśam — comfortably; sa-dhanāḥ — with their cows; sa-vrajāḥ — and with their wagons; sa-upajīvinaḥ — together with their dependents (such as their servants and brāhmaṇa priests).
Their minds thus pacified by Lord Kṛṣṇa, they all entered beneath the hill, where they found ample room for themselves and all their cows, wagons, servants and priests, and for all other members of the community as well.
All the domestic animals of Vṛndāvana were brought beneath Govardhana Hill for shelter.