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Text 21
balaṁ ca kaṁsa-prahitaṁ
hatvā śālā-mukhāt tataḥ
niṣkramya ceratur hṛṣṭau
nirīkṣya pura-sampadaḥ
balam — an armed force; ca — and; kaṁsa-prahitam — sent by Kaṁsa; hatvā — having killed; śālā — of the sacrificial arena; mukhāt — by the gate; tataḥ — then; niṣkramya — exiting; ceratuḥ — the two of Them walked along; hṛṣṭau — happy; nirīkṣya — observing; pura — of the city; sampadaḥ — the riches.
After also killing a contingent of soldiers sent by Kaṁsa, Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma left the sacrificial arena by its main gate and continued Their walk about the city, happily looking at the opulent sights.