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Text 7
hasta-prāptam ivātmānaṁ
harīṇā sa pade pade
nīto darśayatā dūraṁ
yavaneśo ’dri-kandaram
hasta — in his hands; prāptam — reached; iva — as if; ātmānam — Himself; hariṇā — by Lord Kṛṣṇa; saḥ — he; pade pade — at each step; nītaḥ — brought; darśayatā — by Him who was showing; dūram — far; yavana-īśaḥ — the King of the Yavanas; adri — in a mountain; kandaram — to a cave.
Appearing virtually within reach of Kālayavana’s hands at every moment, Lord Hari led the King of the Yavanas far away to a mountain cave.