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Text 35

maṇḍalāni vicitrāṇi
savyaṁ dakṣiṇam eva ca
caratoḥ śuśubhe yuddhaṁ
naṭayor iva raṅgiṇoḥ

maṇḍalāni — arcs; vicitrāṇi — skillful; savyam — to the left; dakṣiṇam — to the right; eva ca — also; caratoḥ — of them who were moving; śuśubhe — appeared splendid; yuddham — the fight; naṭayoḥ — of actors; iva — like; raṅgiṇoḥ — on a stage.

As they skillfully circled left and right, like actors dancing on a stage, the fight presented a magnificent spectacle.

Jarāsandha and Bhīma here demonstrate their expertise in the use of clubs. Thus it can be understood that both fighters were fearless and steady even in the rage of battle.

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