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Text 36

vidhinā vihite kuṇḍe
agnim ādhāya paritaḥ
samūhet pāṇinoditam

vidhinā — according to scriptural injunctions; vihite — constructed; kuṇḍe — in the sacrificial arena; mekhalā — with the paraphernalia of the sacred belt; garta — the sacrificial pit; vedibhiḥ — and the altar mound; agnim — the fire; ādhāya — establishing; paritaḥ — on all sides; samūhet — one should build up; pāṇinā — with his hands; uditam — blazing.

In an arena constructed according to scriptural injunctions, the devotee should perform a fire sacrifice, utilizing the sacred belt, the sacrificial pit and the altar mound. When igniting the sacrificial fire, the devotee should bring it to a blaze with wood piled up by his own hands.

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