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Text 51
tāsāṁ sa caturaḥ śiṣyān
upāhūya mahā-matiḥ
ekaikāṁ saṁhitāṁ brahmann
ekaikasmai dadau vibhuḥ
tāsām — of those four collections; saḥ — he; caturaḥ — four; śiṣyān — disciples; upāhūya — calling near; mahā-matiḥ — the powerfully intelligent sage; eka-ekām — one by one; saṁhitām — a collection; brahman — O brāhmaṇa; eka-ekasmai — to each of them; dadau — he gave; vibhuḥ — the powerful Vyāsadeva.
The most powerful and intelligent Vyāsadeva called four of his disciples, O brāhmaṇa, and entrusted to each of them one of these four saṁhitās.