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Text 25
sa tu vṛtrasya parighaṁ
karaṁ ca karabhopamam
ciccheda yugapad devo
vajreṇa śata-parvaṇā
saḥ — he (King Indra); tu — however; vṛtrasya — of Vṛtrāsura; parigham — the iron club; karam — his hand; ca — and; karabha-upamam — as strong as the trunk of an elephant; ciccheda — cut to pieces; yugapat — simultaneously; devaḥ — Lord Indra; vajreṇa — with the thunderbolt; śata-parvaṇā — having one hundred joints.
With his thunderbolt named Śataparvan, Indra simultaneously cut to pieces Vṛtrāsura’s club and his remaining hand.